Candida Treatment for Kids: Is Threelac™ Safe? + How-to Video Demo
Candida Support founders Marti and Jim White
treated their young son with ThreeLac™ with great results!
Candida symptoms come in many forms, even in kids!
This is a picture of our family, taken when our son, Duncan, was about 5. Cute little guy, wasn’t he? You would never know that I spent several days a week when he was in Kindergarten and 1st Grade meeting with the principal of his school for one minor infraction or another.
He couldn’t “keep his hands to himself” (he was a “poker”).
He “talked out of turn.”
He had trouble waiting in lines.
Then he developed food allergies (particularly to food dyes and food additives, like dough conditioners), which made the problems even worse.
His teacher wanted us to put him on medication for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
But we hadn’t seen this behavior at home, or the first few years of his life. We ate pretty “clean” at home and were quite stringent about sugar. He didn’t get much. And when he did, it was an occasional treat. But, at school, every other day was a birthday party with frosted cupcakes or “treats” sent in by parents.
We felt we had to dig deeper.
Also, about this time, I was diagnosed with fungal Candida yeast overgrowth. But, wait! Could our healthy, happy (and now chronically in trouble at school) little boy have Candida overgrowth? Apparently, yes! Learn more about Children’s Candida Symptoms.
I had started taking ThreeLac™ and had such good results that I wondered if it might help our son. Here’s what happened:
We discovered “Clark’s Rule” of dosing children and began to treat Duncan with the ThreeLac™. The results were amazing!
The good news is that children tend to heal much more quickly than adults. So, within two or three weeks, he was like a different child. His enthusiasm for learning returned. He could along well with his classmates. He was patient (well, as patient as a 5 to 6-year-old can be). His teacher noticed. The principal even commented jokingly to me that he missed Duncan because his visits to Mr. B’s office had dwindled to nothing!
We later learned that this kind of hyperactive and impulsive behavior is typical among children with Candida overgrowth because the Candida is irritating their nervous systems. Development of food allergies is also not unusual.
And now?
Well, Duncan is now 26, gainfully employed, and engaged to be married. He is not on any medication; and, as far as I know, gets along well with co-workers and friends. And he still uses ThreeLac™ as needed. In fact, below, Duncan offers a quick, one-minute demonstration of how to take ThreeLac™:
Yours for Health & Healing,
Your Friends at Candida Support