Elevate Your Candida Treatment with Proven Steps
If you are reading this, you are probably aware of how UNHEALTHY it feels to have untreated fungal Candida yeast overgrowth: Low energy, brain fog, achy joints, fatigue, depression . . . simply banning those awful symptoms from your daily life would be an improvement in your health—and it is!
When I began treating my Candida overgrowth with ThreeLac™, it felt so good to not feel bad. Then, it made me wonder, “How much better can I feel?”
Below are some of the things I discovered once I got my life back:
When you have brain fog from a Candida infestation, it’s hard to motivate yourself, to pull together that big project at work, help your kid with their homework, or even make a grocery list. What a gift it was to be able to “clear the cobwebs” from my brain by treating my Candida!
Food and Weight
When I was in the midst of my Candida overgrowth, I found myself gaining weight. I also craved sugars, baked goods, anything sweet and carby that would feed the yeast. These cravings also added pounds. It is VERY difficult to go on and maintain the “Candida Diet” when beset by these cravings. By treating my Candida with ThreeLac™, I saw my cravings disappear, and (with the help of healthy—not restrictive—eating and exercise), the pounds left too!
Depression and Anxiety
More and more research is being done on what is called the “Gut-Brain Axis.” Scientists are discovering that whatever is happening in your gut directly affects your brain. The gut is the seat of Candida overgrowth. A normal healthy gut with normal microbial flora is needed to produce serotonin, one of the key neurotransmitters that regulates mood. Candida overgrowth suppresses this production, leading to depression and anxiety.
Of course, feeling cruddy all the time does not help depression either! Once I had control of my Candida, I felt my spirits lift almost magically, especially when I found that it eased my sleep and opened the door for my enthusiasm for exercise.
When you have a Candida overgrowth situation, the body reacts by creating inflammation to get rid of that excess, particularly at night. Inflammation raises cortisol levels and cortisol is the stimulating “fight or flight” hormone. This is NOT something you want your body flooded with when you are trying to go to sleep!
Another side effect of cortisol is that it lowers melatonin levels (the hormone that regulates your sleep/wake cycle).
We all know the many, many benefits of getting enough exercise. There’s no doubt that it’s benefits include:
balancing our mental-emotional mood
helping maintain a healthy weight
balancing blood sugar
circulation, blood pressure, our heart and lungs
improving how our bodies utilize oxygen
clearer, brighter skin (circulation & oxygen!)
helping us age more gracefully
But it’s hard to get enthusiastic about moving when your joints and muscles ache and you feel exhausted.
After my first month or two on ThreeLac™ I was actually motivated for the first time in years to get some exercise. In fact, instead of dragging myself to the gym or thinking of a million excuses why I didn’t have time to go for a walk, I actually looked forward to moving.
Candida Support co-founder, Marti Ayres White, practicing yoga.
Now, I have a regular yoga practice, enjoy walking and hiking, and have added light weight-lifting to my regimen. I feel better than ever.
Over the past few years I have added a Candizolv™ cleanse once a year (part of our 1-2 Punch treatment).
Yes, we feel our products are the best thing out there to defeat your Candida overgrowth; but not only that, the positive side effects include better sleep, better focus, better mood, more enthusiastic exercise, better health, and better quality of life!
Yours for health and healing,
Your friends at Candida Support