Leading Edge Candida Relief: Ingredients and Innovations Explained
Do you have questions about Candida-fighting products and their ingredients? This blog post helps to answer three important questions and more!
Why Do I Need Two Products for My Fall Candida Cleanse?
Autumn: the time when Nature discards what is no longer needed and hunkers down for the winter. Fall is also a great time for a wellness reset or cleanse.
Five Hacks to Ease Candida Symptoms During Treatment
When you start your Candida treatment you will no doubt have symptoms that take days, weeks–sometimes even months–to go away completely.
Why Premium Candida Treatments Are a Smart Investment in Your Health.
Our customers often ask about the cost of Candida Support products. In fact, there are Candida cleanse products online or in health food stores that are “cheaper” than ThreeLac™. So why not buy them?
How to Maintain Candida Recovery in BBQ Season & Still Have Fun!
The summer can present challenges for those who suffer with Candida & struggle to maintain their health. Candida Diet is NOT the answer. Here's what works.
5 Healthy Habits to Help Candida Recovery
Check out some simple healthy habits that can assist both your Candida recovery and help you avoid flare-ups in the future.
Don't Start Your Candida Treatment Without This Crucial Step!
We understand how frustrating it is to find the right Candida Treatment, and we are here to help. We also know that it is important to see your doctor first and here is why.
The Biggest Mistake in Candida Recovery…
Here's the #1 Thing NOT to Do If You Have Candida (especially if you have recovered successfully.)
Fermented Foods & Your Candida Treatment
The role of fermented foods in a program of treatment for Candida has been a controversial subject. Read on to find out why fermented foods can be good for your health.
How to Boost Your Candida Treatment by Adding Fiber to Your Diet
When we first began selling ThreeLac™ and its companion products to control Candida overgrowth, we touted the products by saying, “No need for special diets”!
How to Get the Most Out of Your Candida Treatment
The battle against Candida is a little different for every person, but we are here to make sure you get the best results possible!
Don’t Be SAD – Part II: How Treating Candida is One Part of Addressing the Winter Blues
Researchers aren’t entirely sure why depression is a symptom of fungal Candida yeast overgrowth, but the “Candida Blues” are reported over and over again.